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Marvin DC, Cameron DR, Nelson E, Plantinga A, Breck J, Sencan G, & Passero M. (2018). Toward a Carbon Neutral California: Economic and climate benefits of land use interventions. San Francisco, CA: Next 10.

Cameron DR, Marvin DC, Remucal JM, & Passero MC (2017). Ecosystem management and land conservation can substantially contribute to California’s climate mitigation goals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(48), 12833-12838.

Marvin DC & Asner, GP (2016). Branchfall dominates annual carbon flux across lowland Amazonian forests. Environmental Research Letters, 11, 094027

Marvin DC, Koh LP, Lynam, T, et al. (2016). Integrating technologies for scalable ecology and conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 7, 262-275

Marvin DC & Asner GP (2016). Spatially explicit analysis of field inventories for national forest carbon monitoring. Carbon Balance and Management, 11:9.

Marvin DC, Asner GP, & Schnitzer SA. (2016). Liana canopy cover mapped throughout a tropical forest with high-fidelity imaging spectroscopy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 176, 98-106.

Marvin DC, Winter K, Burnham RJ, & Schnitzer SA (2015). No evidence that elevated CO2 gives tropical lianas an advantage over tropical trees. Global Change Biology, 21, 2055-2061.

Marvin DC, Asner GP, Knapp DE, Anderson C, Martin RE, Sinca F, & Tupayachi R. (2014). Amazonian landscapes and the bias in field studies of forest structure and biomass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, E5224-E5232.

Bradley BA & Marvin DC (2011). Using expert knowledge to satisfy data needs: mapping invasive plant distributions in the western United States. Western North American Naturalist, 71(3), 302-315.

Marvin DC, Bradley BA, & Wilcove D (2009). A novel, web-based, ecosystem mapping tool using expert opinion. Natural Areas Journal, 29(3), 281-292.